Your VIDHS Podcast Artwork Image


Virgin Islands Department of Human Services

Welcome to "Your VIDHS," the official podcast produced by the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services. If you're a resident of the Virgin Islands and want to explore the wealth of programs and services available to you, then this podcast is your essential guide.

Join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the vital resources and support systems that VIDHS offers to enhance the quality of life for our community. From healthcare services and nutrition programs to child welfare and elderly care, "Your VIDHS" is your one-stop destination for everything you need to know about the initiatives that shape our islands.

In each episode, we dive deep into the various services, initiatives, and projects undertaken by VIDHS, shedding light on the ways they impact individuals, families, and communities. Hear from our experts, staff members, and program beneficiaries as they share their insights, success stories, and expert advice.

Whether you're seeking assistance or simply want to be better informed about the resources available to you in the Virgin Islands, "Your VIDHS" is here to help. Stay tuned for engaging discussions, interviews, and information that will empower you to make the most of the services offered by the Virgin Islands Department of Human Services.

Subscribe now to stay updated, and be a part of the conversation as we work together to strengthen our community and make a positive impact on the lives of Virgin Islands residents. "Your VIDHS" is your podcast for a brighter, more informed future in the Virgin Islands.
